The Site

Planning history

In 2018, Sainsbury’s was granted planning approval for a residential development on the site, comprising 683 new homes alongside new employment workspace and the reprovision of the existing supermarket. This approval proposed only 4% affordable housing and no new public realm or routes through the site to Ilford Town Centre.

Several years on, Sainsbury’s identified areas for improvement, including better connectivity, new opportunities for placemaking, increased affordable housing, and enhancing the quality of the residential accommodation.


Partnering with leading London housebuilder Telford Homes presents an opportunity to deliver a more ambitious vision for the site, which provides the high-quality homes that Redbridge needs and transforms Chapel Place into a welcoming and vibrant arrival point to Ilford.

In December 2022, Redbridge planning committee approved the Sainsbury’s and Telford Homes joint application for the regeneration of the Chapel Place site. When complete, it will deliver a range of benefits to Ilford, including 837 homes (35% affordable), 6,813 sqm of public realm, and new pedestrian routes through to Ilford Town Centre.

Policy context

The is allocated for mixed-use development in the Redbridge Local Plan, which sets out the Council’s aim to deliver over 17,250 new homes, 5,000 jobs and vital community infrastructure across the borough. It is also identified within the Ilford Opportunity Area.

In addition, Ilford has been granted Town Centre Housing Zone status by the Mayor of London, making it an area where the Government, GLA and Council should work together and provide funding to unlock new housing.

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